
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

General William Hull to Secretary of War Doctor William Eustis, June 1812

Staunton, 3rd June 1812.
I arrived with the army, at this place, yesterday. The waters of the Miami are now so low, that it is impossible for the boats to ascend with the provisions and stores, to Lorimier.   They have stopped six miles above this. I have consulted this morning with the commanding officers of regiments, and they are clearly of the opinion, that we shall arrive at the foot of the rapids several days sooner by taking the route of Urbanna, than the one originally contemplated. Another consideration has influenced me on the subject: in the event of war with England, we must depend on the state of Ohio for supplies for this army. The route we have now adopted is the one made use of at present for the transportation of provisions to Detroit, and in marching thro' the army will repair the road. It is the safest, nearest, and most contiguous to the productive part of the state.
 I have heard nothing from A. Porter, Esqr. the contractor. Had I not contracted with Piatt and co., the army would have been without provisions. 
 I am happy to inform you that I have received reports already from five or six Indian villages (since my speech was communicated) more favorable than I had reason to expect. The chiefs are now on their way to visit us, and the frontiers have already become tranquil. I have not heard, but presume, that the 4th Regt. and Hugh's Company have arrived at Cincinnati-- this unfortunate delay has been attended with one advantage: the discipline of the army-- I am happy as yet in my command-- the most perfect harmony prevails, and the army is improving in discipline.
I am very respectfully your Obt. Servt.
From Letters to the Secretary of War vol. 49. Probably transcribed by Richard Knopf in the 1950s and published by the Anthony Wayne Parkway Board.

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