
Sunday, May 11, 2014

"That is a bass drum, you damned old fool!"

Some Licking County Veterans of the War of 1812 and a few illuminating details (Hill, N. N., and A. A. Graham. History of Licking County, O., Its Past and Present Containing a Condensed, Comprehensive History of Ohio, Including an Outline History of the Northwest; A Complete History of Licking County ... a History of Its Soldiers in the Late War ... Biographies and Histories of Pioneer Families, Etc. Newark, Ohio: A.A. Graham, 1881.)

George W. Loar now lives in the southeastern part of the county, and is eighty-seven years of age. He went out from Muskingum County in the War of 1812, and enlisted April 15, 1813 in Captain Joseph Karns' company A, Colonel James Paul's Twenty-seventh (Infantry) Regiment. The Regiment marched to Seneca (Town) and there built a fort; thence they marched to Lower Sandusky (Fremont/Fort Stephenson). He was eight days with Perry on the lakes, and was in the battle of the Thames. After wintering at Detroit he was discharged April 15, 1814.

Jacob Bush, who resides in Newark, at the advanced age of ninety-four years, enlisted at Lancaster, Ohio in Lieutenant Collins' detachment, and was assigned to Captain C.A. Trimble's company, of the Nineteenth United States Infantry. He marched via Franklinton, Newark and Upper Sandusky to Lower Sandusky, and afterwards to Buffalo, where he joined General Scott's (brigade). He was engaged in the battles of Lundy's Lane and Chippewa, and was wounded in the former battle. He took part in the siege of Fort Erie for thirty-seven days, and was discharged at that place February 18, 1815. Mr. Bush came to Newark about the year 1825, and drove coach for Willard Warner for many years.

John Wagy, who now resides near Kirkersville, at the advanced age of 91 years, went out in the War of 1812 in Captain Peter Lamb's company, and served under General Harrison. He acted as teamster upon one occasion and hauled cannon balls two days. The Wyandot Indians were friendly toward the United States at that time, and acted in conjunction with the government forces. They were called the "pet" Indians by the soldiers. Mr. Wagy has a vivid recollection of the early days in Licking county. He settled on Licking creek, in Harrison township, in 1815, and visited Newark when it contained but five or six houses, one of which, used as a hotel, stood near the present courthouse square, and had flung to the breeze on the corner of the building an old muslin sign, inscribed thereon the brief but pointed word, "Inn".

...Major Jeremiah R. Munson, who was elected major of Colonel Lewis Cass' Third Ohio Regiment. He was a man of fine soldierly bearing and attainments. He was surrendered with the army under Hull, at Detroit, but afterwards entered the service (12-months US Regulars?). While near Detroit he was accidentally shot by David Messenger, and so severely wounded that he barely survived the journey home...

...It is related that one of the Munsons, at the surrender, was asked by the British general the use made of the large drum carried by the Yankee boys, when Munson replied--"that is a bass drum, you damned old fool."

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