Chillicothe May the 10th 1813
Honorable Sir
An Express mail has just arrived, which, like the music of Carol, bring news both "pleasing and mournful to the soul." It is pleasing to hear that Harrison is safe & reinforced by a part of the Kentucky troops, and mournful to heare the fate of those who have fallen victims to savage barbarity
I send you enclosed a hand Bill which will meet you on your arrival at the city, and give you a detail in substance, of all I would write you on the subject. However unfortunate were the patriotic, but imprudent Kentuckians in not retiring to their boats, the result has reflected credit upon the troops who sallied from the fort, and will eventually give additional security to the Garrison. Gen Harrison writes, that he is confident he can maintain his post In addition to the detail given in the hand Bill, it appears from other letters, that the balance of the Kentucky troops under Genl Clay, landed above the garrison & were attacked by the Indians (whom they defeated), and that they have arrived safe in the Fort; - as few days will give us the correct detail. The Chillicothe troops started from here yesterday -- how far they will proceed is uncertain -- The Governor, I understand, calculates to take command of all the Ohio troops who assemble, and march towards the Rapids.
The western country has really become the theatre of War -- Our State must suffer much the ensuing Summer -- even with victory on our side, but such is the fate of war, and must be borne with composure. There can be but little doubt now about Genl Harrisons safety at his Fort. If our troops on the Niagara will keep the enemy busy in that quarter and on naval preparations are ready in time on Lake Erie, the N. Western Army riay yet accomplish their long desired object at Malden. We have not yet, Sir, heard the result of the late election in this District - Our Washington friends appear to be silent on the subject. Perhaps, we may receive the return by next mail. When (if at home) I shall send you a statement -- Creighton writes that he is about marching to the Rapids, from Sandusky, but it is not known, that he will soon return home, whether his election is favorable or unfavorable.
Wishing you better health & a safe arrival in the City, I am Sir, very respectfully yours obedt & humble servt.
Jessup N. Couch
Honourable Thomas Worthington
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