Monday, February 7, 2011

A Franklinton "Best Western" 1812

New Tavern.

The subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the publick in general, that he has lately opened a Tavern in the brick house of Mrs. Overdear, immediately back of the Court House in Franklinton, where he intends keeping a house of Entertainment for Travelers, or others who may choose to call on him. He intends keeping all kinds of liquors; his table shall be furnished with such as the country affords, prepared in the best manner; his bedding shall not be inferior to any in the country; his stable is large, and laid off into 24 different stalls, and shall at all times be furnished with the best of hay and oats.

The subscriber flatters himself, that from the experience he has had in that line of business, and the care and attention which he shall pay to the traveller, as well as his horse, that he shall recieve a large share of the public patronage.

Thomas McCollum.
Franklinton, May 8th 1812.
(from the Worthington Western Intelligencer)


  1. In what state is this Franklinton? We are in Franklinton,LA and are familiar with Franklinton,NC. No taverns in this 21st Century Franklinton, either.
    Washington Parish Tourism

  2. This is Franklinton, Ohio, est. 1797 by land speculator Lewis Sullivant (which I believe was never officially incorporated). It's now a neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio.


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